9 tips on how to keep your truck clean and organized while on road

If you do trucking, then you must be going through cleaning and organizing issues with it. This happens to most of the truckers as they are usually focused on driving and reaching places on time and forget to pay attention to the cleanliness and organization of their truck. So if you want to keep your truck organized and clean then follow the tips below:
Keep it Organized and Clean
- Keep the Toolbox Organized: One thing that gives most trouble is to search for tools when needed and not be able to find them. Keep a toolbox to keep all of your tools organized in it.
- Organize Your Documents: Small things like receipts or invoices that you get as you go on the road can stack up inside the truck and it will start to become messy. To avoid that, get a thin plastic and expandable folder that resembles an accordion. You can organize your documents in it.
- Keep Mini-Crates: There are some miscellaneous items in every truck like CDs, DVDs, Books, and Clothing etc. that are tossed inside the truck. These things can make it look messy and less spacious. Use a mini crate to store these items.
- Clean-Out the Trash at Every Stop: Instead of waiting for the end of the week to clean out your truck and let the trash pile up, you can just take out all the garbage like boxes or food containers when you stop for fueling. This will keep the trash inside the truck at minimal.
- Use Seat-Back Organizers: You will have some tools that cannot be mixed with other tools like gloves, flashlights, and cleaning supplies in the mini crate you add in the truck. The hanging organizers at the back of your seat are great for that purpose.
- Plan Clearance: If you have a calendar inside the truck, mark it for the clearance of the exterior of your truck. While you are traveling on the road, it can get very dirty. So pick a date, circle it in the calendar to remember it and then clean it. Try to vacuum the floor and in between the seats, spread some baking soda on the floor and wash the areas that need it.
- Clean Windows Regularly: As a driver, you will have to see out of the windows clearly while you drive. For this, make sure to keep a window cleaner in the organizer at the back of your seat. Clean your window and mirrors at all times (whenever you get the chance).
- Eat Only At Stops: Most of the people tend to spill things in the interior while eating and that can mess up the truck. So make sure to only eat at stops by coming outside of the truck.
- Designate a Waste bag: Garbage tend to accumulate inside the truck as it is a small space. So, you can put a waste bag in a certain spot and instead of throwing the wrappers on the floor, you can throw them in the waste bag.
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