
The ABC of the ELD Mandate

It’s been almost a month since the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) started enforcing the ELD mandate, but the issue is still quite a hot topic in the trucking industry. ELD stands for an “electronic logging device” that, starting December 18, 2017, operators of commercial motor vehicles covered by the law, must install in their trucks to automatically log certain data, mainly about the driver’s hours of service (commonly referred to as HOS). Even though it seems a fairly straightforward regulation, it has stirred plenty of controversy.

On one side, with this law, the FMCSA aims to curb driver fatigue to avoid accidents and increase road safety. Traditionally drivers used paper logbooks to record their hours of operation. These were enacted originally to restrict the time drivers were allowed to drive before taking rests or stopping for the day. But the new law claimed these paper logs were prone to errors, miscalculations or even tampering. So it ordered to replace these logs with electronic logging devices (ELDs) that function automatically and without driver input to ensure accuracy.

On the other side, some drivers feel the ELD mandate infringes on their privacy. Others feel that the costs associated with purchasing and maintaining ELDs will hurt their bottom lines. Perhaps the biggest complaint is that the stricter oversight will hurt drivers who can’t complete shipments within the allowed time limit because of situations beyond their control such as traffic and other delays. They claim that ELDs will make transportation slower and more expensive. These protests even took over Twitter, when a group of truckers made #ELDorMe a trending topic after President Trump spoke at an event organized by the American Trucking Association (which is pro-ELD).

No matter what side you’re on, it’s undeniable that, in this new ELD era, efficiency and transparency in shipping and logistics are more important than ever. Platforms such as Quickload can help shippers, as well as carriers, be more efficient in their day-to-day business. Learn how here.

Content Creator: Pablo Torres

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