All goods valued over $2,500 imported to the United States for commercial purposes, or other commodities subject to federal regulations, require the posting of a Customs bond to make sure that all duties, taxes, and fees owed to the federal government will be paid according to the law.

Bonded merchandise can be moved or stored after it has entered the United States before the duties are paid. Only after all applicable fees are paid is the merchandise cleared for commercial distribution or activity. For example, if you import a container full of washing machines from Japan through the Port of Miami, you can transport them to a warehouse facility and keep them there for a certain amount of time before paying any duties as long as you don’t sell or distribute the machines beforehand.

To be able to do this, you usually need the services of a bonded carrier and a bonded warehouse. Bonded carriers and warehouses are authorized as Customs brokers by the US Customs and Border Protection agency to transport and store bonded goods.

Relying on a 3PL provider that offers bonded carrier and bonded warehouse services can be a time saver because obtaining a bond often involves tedious paperwork and applications. A reliable bonded carrier or warehouse can work with you to get your imported goods moving or stored as soon as possible.

Among its features, logistics platform Quickload allows you to specify if your shipment contains bonded merchandise to find carriers authorized to transport it as quickly as possible.

Contact Quickload today to find out more.

Content Creator: Pablo Torres

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